We all know that when you spend a lot of time in the sun, you put yourself at risk for everything from an annoyingly painful sunburn to potential life-threatening skin cancers. Since we know a lot of people in the latter category, we take sun protection pretty seriously. You might be surprised to find that, as a general rule, when it comes to protecting your skin, we prefer things you wear to things you slather on your skin. That said, the best coverage comes from a combination of the two.
On the 'things you wear' side, we've been testing a few products and are happy to introduce two new Florida brands we think you're going to like, Snikwah and KKrows. As for sunscreens, we have three different brands that offer unique properties without the types of chemicals used by most drugstore brands that are absorbed into the skin. Take a look at our lines from 3rd Rock, SolRx and Rubber Ducky. And feel free to call us with any questions you have about safe sun.